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Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.
From our perspective, with more than 200 years of combined attorney and management expertise at our firm, the Immilytics system acts like a health check, alert system, internal management analyzer and productivity platform with the ability to provide critical information to make important business decisions. The software has been designed to ensure your business is scalable, agile in the marketplace, and of course profitable. Given the current state of the H-1B visa program, our firm firstly engaged the services of ImmiLytics LLC to provide business intelligence and analytics on our H-1B workstream. I found working with the team a very positive experience on many fronts. They have outstanding analytical skills, and also possess deep immigration knowledge. They had a good grasp of our specific business needs. Their analysis was extremely well presented and very clear, and included a detailed report and creative data visuals. The insights from their analysis will help us layout a strategic plan for the future of our H-1B workstream. I look forward to working again with ImmiLytics on our other workstreams. I highly recommend them to other immigration firms needing business intelligence and analytics.
- Management, Medium Sized Immigration Firm
"I met the ImmiLytics team at the AILA Annual Conference 2018. As a Partner of a successful business immigration firm, I believe ImmiLytics' Business Intelligence/Data Analytics and Intelligent Reports with built-in "Smart Views" brings a unique approach to reporting and data analytics in the immigration industry."
- Senior Partner
Immilytics is forging into an area that all immigration practitioners must embrace – data analysis, metrics and analytics. This information is critical to understanding the health of the business as well as how to capitalize on specific circumstances and product lines. Immilytics has been providing us with critical data and analysis to meet our financial and productivity goals. From internal management reports to reports for our clients, we have been able to extract critical analytics on volumes of information. Immilytics’ software was extremely flexible, adapting itself to digest large volumes of unorganized data to then interpret and provide micro to marco level analysis towards the needs particular to our firm. Moreover, Immilytics’ unique algorithms analyzed our data efficiently, as the program is geared towards immigration law, quickly honing in on trends and statistics that impact our bottom line. Shiv and Immilytics are years ahead of the curve, providing immigration practitioners with the ability to take deep dives into our businesses, allowing us to understand and evaluate almost every aspect that impacts our ability to maintain relationships, grow the business and remain profitable.
- Owner / Senior Partner
"ImmiLytics' analysis of our case workstreams was very insightful and timely, given the current immigration landscape. As a small practice, it was especially helpful to know how our workstreams performed year-over-year, and helped us identify focus areas to ensure growth"
- Managing Partner, Small Immigration Firm (2 Attorneys & 4 Paralegals)